Thursday, 5 April 2012


That energy, directly from the Sun,
which pours as warmth upon a turning globe,
and light, for which all solid dogmas run,
was masked by deepest night, but when day rose

it rang out love, pure love!  A river flows
just over this hill, the promise of good clean fun
and life’s thirsts briefly quenched (like a tan, verse shows
that energy, directly from the Sun).

In lands where rains and rivers more readily come
than this, this salted life, this pain which grows
inunder us (I mean the drying one,
which pours its warmth upon a turning globe),

Austrayans all are blessed; or, as it’s known,
how prolific, as we are O.S., as gums
on foreign badlands almighty healthy grow
(and light, for which all solid dogmas run,

is a framing device), the tall, healthy ones
are tree-borne beacons, awaiting fire or flows
of the true life — which, when it came to some,
was masked by deepest night, but when day rose…

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